Now that Open Enrollment for 2019 has ended, you can now enroll in or change your individual #medical plan ONLY if you have a life event that qualifies as a Special Enrollment Period (SEP).
Some Examples of SEPs
Got married
Had a baby
Adopted a child
Got divorced
Someone on your plan died
Change in residence
Loss of health insurance
If you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period in 2019 and want to change plans you MAY have a limited number of plan options to choose from. Currently you can choose between four plan "metal" categories:
Bronze issued an announcement the early part of January 2019 that a change could be coming which will impact consumer's choose of plan options, should they experience a qualifying event.
AJM Associates will keep you posted on the status of this announcement and the potential date of impact once (IF) regulations are implemented later in the 2019 calendar year.