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Writer's pictureKarl J. Ruth Jr.

2020 - State Disability Insurance (SDI) Schedules & Paid Family Medical Leave

Does Your State Provide/Require SDI or PFL?

In the United States, there are several states and one commonwealth that provide statutory disability programs, commonly known as "disability insurance" and now Paid Family Medical Leave.

California (SDI) State administered State Disability Insurance (SDI) Plan or Self-Insured Plan, which must exceed State Plan benefits in at least one provision. Weekly statutory benefit rate is 60% who earn 1/3 or more of the State’s Average Quarterly Wage (SAQW) or 70% for those who earn less than 1/3 of the State’s Average Quarterly Wage.

  • SAQW: $17,225

  • Minimum: $50.00

  • Maximum: $1,300.00

Benefits would begin on the 8th consecutive day of disability and are payable 52 weeks for disability leaves and 6 weeks in a 12-month period for paid family leaves. (PFL) California PFL to increase to 8 weeks of benefits in a 12-month period on 07/01/2020

San Francisco Paid Parental Leave Ordinance (PPLO) requires no minimum benefit and a Maximum Weekly Benefit of 30/40%: $867. Total 100% combined between CA PPL and SF PPL Maximum weekly total benefit: $2,167.00

District of Columbia

State administered (DC PFL) Plan where Self-Insured Plans are NOT allowed. Effective 07/01/2020 DC PFL provides:

  • Minimum: None

  • Maximum: $1,000.00 weekly benefit

Allows employees to take up to a maximum of 8 weeks paid within a 52-week period. Leave may be taken intermittently in 1-day increments.


Hawaii does not administer a State Plan but requires a minimum Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) Plan which may be; Insured, Self-Insured, or an approved collective bargaining agreement that provides sick leave & disability benefits. Weekly statutory benefit rate is 58% of average weekly earnings.

  • Minimum: $14.00

  • Maximum: $650.00

Benefits would begin on the 8th consecutive day of disability and are payable 26 weeks.

New Jersey

State administered State Temporary Disability (TDI) Plan, an Insured Plan, or a Self-Insured Plan which must at least equal the provision of the State Plan. Weekly statutory benefit rate is 66 2/3% of average weekly wage. Effective 07/01/2020 benefits for NJ TDI increase to 85% of weekly wage to maximum of 70%.

  • Minimum: None

  • Maximum: $667.00 increasing to $881.00 on 07/01/2020

Benefits would begin on the 8th consecutive day of disability or the 1st day if disability lasts longer than 21 days. Benefits are payable 26 weeks for disability leave and 6 weeks for paid family leave.

New Jersey Family Care Leave Insurance (FLI) can be either and Insured Plan or Self-Insured Plan. Provides a benefit of 6 weeks or 42 intermittent days during a 12-month period beginning with the first date of the claim. Claims on or after 07/01/2020 will have a benefit of 12 weeks or 56 intermittent days during a 12-month period beginning with the first date of the claim.

  • Minimum: None

  • Maximum: $667.00 increasing to $881.00 on 07/01/2020

New York

State Disability Benefits Law (DBL) from State Insurance Fund, Insured or Self-Insured Plan meeting minimum state requirements. Weekly statutory benefit rate is 50% of average weekly wage base on previous 8 weeks earnings.

  • Minimum: $20.00

  • Maximum: $170.00

Benefits would begin on the 8th consecutive day of disability and payable not more than 26 weeks during any Disability Period or during any consecutive period of 52 weeks.

New York Paid Family Leave (NYPFL). The employer has the option of insuring the benefit with NYSIF, insured with a carrier, or self-insured if they are currently self-insured with NYDBL. The benefit pays employees average weekly wage (AWW) to the maximum % of the NY Average Weekly Wage (NYSAWW). For 2020 that is 60% for up to 10 weeks combined between DBL and PFL not to exceed 26 weeks in a consecutive 52-week period.

  • Minimum: $100.00

  • Maximum: $840.70

Puerto Rico

Public Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) Plan or a “private” Insured or Self-Insured Plan with benefits equal to at least the public plan benefits. Weekly statutory benefit rate is 65% of weekly earnings. Paid from schedule based on total wages received in Base Year.

  • Minimum: $12.00

  • Maximum: $113.00 ($55 max for agricultural workers)

Benefits would begin on the 8th consecutive day of disability or 1st day of hospitalization. Benefits are payable not more than 26 weeks during any Disability Period or during any consecutive period of 52 weeks.

Rhode Island State administered State Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) ONLY. Weekly statutory benefit rate is 4.62% of total highest quarter wage in base period.

  • Minimum: $98.00

  • Maximum: $867.00

  • Maximum (up to 5 dependents): $1,170.00

NO WAITING PERIOD must be employed for at least 7 days due to non-job-related illness or injury. Benefits are payable 30 weeks in any Benefit Year.

Rhode Island Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) is a state administered program for wage replacement to take time away for a serious ill child, spouse, parent, parent-in-law or grandparent, or to bond with a newborn child, adopted child, or foster child. The benefit rate is 4.62% of total highest quarter wages in base period earning at least $12.600 in base period wages, or $2,100 in on of the base period quarters and total base period wages of at least 1.5 times the highest quarter earnings. TCI benefits are for 4-weeks during a Benefit Year Period (52 weeks).

  • Minimum: $98.00

  • Maximum: $867.00

  • Maximum (up to 5 dependents): $1,170.00


Paid Family & Medical Leave (WAPFML) is a state administered or a Voluntary Plan which must at least equal the provisions of the State Plan. Employees may take up to 12 weeks (14 if leave is needed for incapacity due to pregnancy-related condition), during a claim year (52 weeks). Combined Medical & Family Leave is up to 16 weeks (18 if leave is needed for incapacity due to pregnancy-related condition), during a claim year (52 weeks).

Law became effective 01/01/2020

  • Minimum: $100.00

  • Maximum: $100.00

Download the 2020 State Disability Insurance (SDI) & Paid Family Medical Leave Update below

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