Effective November 1, 2019, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan will be entering into a new partnership with DentalQuest as their dental benefits administrator responsible for managing their Blue Dental Program. Originally the transition was to occur on July 1, 2019, however a change was made to help Blue complete core activities for membership and benefits as well as allow them to make a clean transition in claims processing and servicing responsibilities. DentalQuest has already been administering Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan's Medicare Advantage Plans (Medicare Plus Blue and BCN Advantage) since January 1, 2018 as well as the Healthy Kids Dental Program since October 1, 2018.
This marks the end of a 10 year relationship with their prior dental benefits administrator Dental Network of America (DNoA).
In an announcement by Blue, moving to this state-of-the-art platform will help them:
Streamline efficiencies
Improve their customer's experience
Improve quality of care and health
Manage costs
What does this mean for individuals and employer group's with Dental coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan?
Starting November 1, 2019 members will see a new "find-a-dentist" provider search on Blue's website. The new provider link can be found here.
Member's should check with their Dental providers to make sure they participate with the DentalQuest.
Members can expect to receive a new BCBSM ID card come the transition
* DNoA will continue to offer access to PPO dentists who are part of the DNoA Preferred Network.
Have additional questions regarding this transition, please contact your dedicated AJM Associates account representative.